
Thursday Devotional...Watch Your Step...

...and be mindful of your path

My morning walk often takes me along one of the paths that run parallel to the small complex of townhouses where my family and I live. It was another a beautiful morning, and I was enjoying the Saturday morning peace and quiet. My eyes scanned the area, looking for the new growth that heralds the coming of Spring!

I will not come for several weeks, but I love feeling the anticipation of the changes to come. So, I strolled along, looking around, bubbling with joy. Then the next step tipped me sideways! I had stepped off the edge of the paved road, stumbling into the bump on the side. I did not fall, but did hear the clear sound of my pride landing on its knees. I looked around quickly to make sure that no one saw my graceless steps. Whew! The coast was clear. I’d better watch my step.

“The simple believe anything,
but the prudent give thought to their steps."
Proverbs 14:15

This stumble got me thinking about the true path, the one that leads to righteousness. How many times have I taken my focus off God’s plan and trotted along on my own, certain that I knew what was ahead. Stumbling, tripping, flopping; often landing on my knees, or flat on my face. I have been saved from total failure by God's Amazing Grace, again and again.

Further on, I find an open space, with new-grown grass; inviting me to wander in this miniature field of green. Almost tempting me to run. I look around for the tiny wildflowers that add sparks of color to the landscape. Just beyond the focus of my vision, I see a hint of a dark spot on the ground. It was a small, round hole, probably a burrow for a chipmunk. Too small for me to fall into, but large enough to catch my heel twist my ankle. I need to watch my step.

Walking one of the first things we are taught to do alone. We are encouraged crawl, stand and eventually take those first, wobbly steps of independent movement. Once we learn this, we forget that while we may chose when and how we walk; our Creator has laid out a path for each of us.
We can walk with confidence when we know who is leading. Not our family, not our friends, not even our church. If we allow ourselves to follow someone else, we run the risk of thinking that God’s plan for them is exactly the same for us. When we only listen to ourselves, or always listen to another person; we are using the wrong map. The steps of our lives are leading us towards the place where we will finally hear the name that has already been written for each one of us. Are the lessons and blessing He has for us are left waiting along the way for someone else, or are they wasted? We need to walk in step with God’s plan. For the burdens and blessings that build our faith.

My prayer for today should be my prayer every day.

“Thank You Almighty Father, for guiding me, for leading me through yesterday. Please continue to lead me through today, according to Your Will. I ask the Holy Spirit to convict me when I falter, so that I do not stray or fall. I submit myself to Your will.
I pray this, in Jesus’ Precious Name,

"Observe the commands of the LORD your God,
walking in obedience to Him and revering Him."
Deuteronomy 8:6

Written by
Lynda Kinnard

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