
Wednesday Devotional...2/20/13..."Clean Slate"

                                                                                 ...every morning

This past Sunday, I was reminded during 3 different situations of the mercy of our God in giving us a "Clean Slate." He so lovingly tells us in.....

"Through the Lord's mercies
we are not consumed,
 because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
great is Your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23

Every morning as we wake up to greet the world and God, we can anticipate a new and beautiful, fresh start in our life! Possibly many of us feel like we have really messed up royally. I have great news for you, friend. As we come to our Heavenly Father and lay those things at His feet, asking for His help, He is there. God so readily stands before us, ready to cleanse us, and ready to give us a clean canvas in which to paint our day.

We truly have the best Daddy in the whole wide world! A God of great compassion and amazing mercy who wipes our slate clean! Now that is what I am talking about!

In His Radical Love,
Sandy Billingham

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