
Devotional for 3/11/13

List Making

I really like to make lists. Especially on days where I have nothing special to do, just the everyday things of life. Once my kids were sleeping past a 6 am feeding, I even put "Get Up" on the top of my list, it was an accomplishment just to do that, so I wanted to be able to reward myself by crossing something off the list for the day!

Have you have ever filled out a time study chart for a week? The one I have done is a large chart of 7 days on a sheet of paper that starts at 5 am and ends at 10 pm, and each little box represents 15 mins. I was taking a life management class at the time and it was eye-opening to discover how much time it takes to do things AND how very full our lives are, most of us really are doing a whole lot every day.

But then I have had weeks where I don't make any list at all, and as I dash through my day trying to remember to do the most important things first and still pick up my kids on time, I cry out, "Why didn't I make a list?"

We have been studying the Book of James in my bible study using Beth Moore's "Mercy Triumphs" study guide. I laughed out loud when we got to James 4. There is a list! It is a list that is simple but takes focus for us to follow it every day.
  1. Submit to God: The Amplified says to be subject to God: the short answer here is to do what I know I should do (be kind, loving, accepting, forgiving, honest, reliable, patient, etc)
  2. Resist the devil. We all know we should not do what is not right. That sounds so simple but it's probably harder for me not to complain about someone who has done something wrong or unjust to me, than for me to do anything else.
  3. Draw near to God. We can do that by talking to Him in our heads as we walk along in our day.
  4. Get your soiled hands cleaned. A nice phrase for asking God to forgive you of your sins. Repent.
  5. Purify your hearts. So I need to think on those things that are good, loving, and kind while pushing out all thoughts that are negative.
 So let God work his will in you.
 Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him scamper.
 Say a quiet yes to God and he’ll be there in no time.
Quit dabbling in sin.
 Purify your inner life.
 Quit playing the field.
 Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out.
 The fun and games are over.
Get serious, really serious.
Get down on your knees before the Master;
it’s the only way you’ll get on your feet. 
James 4:7-10 The Message
Dear Lord, thank You for gently guiding us with Your truth, for making clear the choices we are making every day. Thank You for showing us there is a way to live where we can be at peace, and know contentment. In Jesus name, amen.
Written by Mary M. Wilkins
Dear Lord, thank You for guding me over and over on how to live a life under You for only there will we find true rest, peace and contentment. In Jesus name, amen.
Written by Mary M. Wilkins

1 comment:

  1. Ilove to make lists though I dont always do so. When I do it takes the stress off of wondering what was it that I had planned to do. As you mentioned, I also find reward and a sense of accomplishmet when the line goes through a completed task. I like it that there is a list in James.

    Good one, Mary.............God bless
