
Devotional for 3/4/13

                                                                          Our Song

The Lord and I have a song! I thought He had long forgotten it. The world moves on and new music is always being written. I feel like we sing worship songs for awhile and like the “Hit Parade” they fade away never to be heard again.
Many years ago we sang a song in church called “Because He Lives”. I felt that song down to my toes. It told me that as long as God was on the throne I could face anything. Just as Scripture says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
When my Jim, my husband, died I had the song sung at his memorial.  A couple of years down the road when I had to relinquish custody of my grandson my heart was breaking, even though I knew the Lord was telling me it was the right thing to do. That morning in church we sang that song and my heart filled with the peace that passes understanding. Through the years I have held that song close to me even though its time had run its course as far as popularity.
This weekend at a conference I was looking around during worship and seeing all the women lost in His presence and I was just faking it. I couldn’t seem to draw near. The worship leader had a word from the Lord and I felt in my spirit it was for me. The word spoken was something like “ You’re standing here and you are not able to worship because you think you are not worthy. The Lord wants you to know He made you worthy.”
Right after she gave that message, we started singing some “oldies” and there was my song! The Lord hadn’t forgotten at all. I love the way my God is so big that I cannot even fathom it and at the same time so personal that He gives each one of us signs along the way that He cares about the smallest things that concern us. He renewed my strength last night.
Because He Lives
Because He lives I can face tomorrow 
Because He lives all fear is gone
Because I know, I know He holds the future 
And life is worth the living just because He lives
And then one day I’ll cross that river
I’ll fight life’s final war with pain
And then as death gives way to victory 
I’ll see the lights of heaven and I’ll know He lives

Dear Lord, Help me remember that Your truth is not reflective of my feelings. That You are the same yesterday, today and forever. That You only forget my sins, not me or our special song. Thank You Lord.
Written by Jackie Gilmer
The lyrics above are the chorus and one verse from the worship song by Bill & Gloria Gaither.
Click here to hear the Gaither Vocal Band perform this beautiful song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpwQO3ckqNI

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