
Saturday Devotional...Controversies of Life

Opinions are a
 very important reason to evangelize.
There are so many of them.
Christians are blessed with their salvation.
The Holy Spirit speaks
 into our lives if we listen.
We know the truth and do not
get stuck un-

Godly opinions.
Here are some of them for your perusal.
I hope that these bring strength
to the true opinions that you hold.



As many as there are people

On any topic of conversation

Hard to achieve consensus

Everyone arguing their own belief

Uncountable controversies abound.


Get rid of the inconvenient fetus

That is the woman’s personal choice

Humanity exists from conception

There is no doubt it is murder

Considerable controversies abound.


Stop nursing after a few months

Two years is more advisable

Attachment parenting is the only approach

Cuddle and hold them, forget yourself

Significant controversies abound.


The earth was created with a bang

Over millions and millions of years

Some believe it happened over seven days

Work in the hand of a loving Creator

Sizable controversies abound


Evolution over countless years

Amoebas become swimming organisms

Finally one walked out onto dry land

Evolution up the chain

Until finally a monkey turned to man.

Irreconcilable controversies abound.


Each life form crafted and molded individually

Those who swim the depths of seas

Winged ones flying in the sky

Animals of earth and also man

Fashioned by the plan of their creator

Insurmountable controversies abound.


What is thought of life beyond this pale

Belief that after death there is no more

Certainty that hell dowa not exists for evil man

Conviction that God will never punish

Faith that we must seek Him for hope

Arguing and awaiting the final curtain’s drop

Challenging controversies abound.


These say yes and those say no


Living life according
to different values

Though it is hard to see another side

Know there can only
 be one true truth

Seek it, embrace it, live by it

      Set some controversy aside.

In your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..."
1 Peter 3:15

Written by
Corinne Mustafa  ©

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