
Devotional for 3/16/13

A World of Kindness

By now everyone has become aware of the bombs that were detonated yesterday in Boston, Massachusetts. As I try to process emotionally the pain that those families and that city is going through, I have been devouring the stories that are popping up about the kindness of strangers. Reports are coming in telling us that runners and onlookers ran to the aid of the fallen. That locals took people into their homes.

I thank God that there are kind people everywhere. I am so moved that in a crisis there are those who will rise to the occasion to help others.

I am not blaming the news media because they report and cover those things that keep our attention. But if I view things strictly through the eyes of the media, it is a dangerous world in which we live. So, I am grateful for the pictures and stories of kindness and compassion being shared through the news and social media.

On the one hand, the world is a hard, cruel, and scary place; on the other, it is filled with many compassionate and loving people. Based on how the people of Boston handled themselves, we can be assured that we will see kindness when we least expect it and need it most. Thankfully, this isn't the first time we have seen strangers rising to the occasion and reaching out to take care of others in crisis.

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
 Romans 12:21 NASB

Dear Lord, thank You for that in the midst of crisis you are using us to show Your love to others. Thank You that in our darkest hours that use others to show us that You care about us. In Jesus name, amen.
Written by Mary M. Wilkins

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