
Devotional for 4/23/13

God’s Gift to Me at a Gravesite

When my husband opened the blinds on the sliding glass door this morning, as usual, he said, “Wow!  Look at that sky.”  So I did, as usual, look at the beautiful morning. I am telling you about this scene from my life as a way of introducing myself. I’m delighted to be writing to you and I would like to share how God paints Himself into my day.
I begin this first Tuesday with a vision that I believe God gave me to help me put some important Godly principles into perspective for me. Years ago when I was a young mom with 3 young ones and a husband who was gone for long stretches serving our country in the US Coast Guard I had a dream.
In my dream, I was strolling along the street on a lovely spring morning. As I rounded a corner, I saw a white blanket bunched up on the boulevard.  Did I also hear a baby cry?  Moving closer, I discovered it was a baby’s cry!  I picked up the bundle and held it tightly to my breast. The crying stopped.   Moving a corner of the blanket away, the crying began again, almost screaming! So I brought it back to my breast, patting the blanket and speaking words of comfort.  Immediately the crying stopped.  This happened off and on until I was exhausted and had to sit down.  Why would someone leave a baby like this?!  I was angry with the situation and sorrowful for the baby. I was also frustrated as to what to do next.
Cars drive by but take no notice of what is happening. I begin yelling and waving to get their attention, but it was as if they couldn’t see or hear me.  Then I realized - they didn’t!  They were going about their daily lives unaware of me and my struggle.  I fell asleep rocking the fearful bundle.
When I awoke, I felt strangely peaceful and rested.  The bundle was quiet. Something to the left caught my eye.  I was sure it hadn’t been there before; turning my head to get a clearer view, I saw the front yard of a house.  A small grave looked like it had been recently excavated; a pile of dirt was near the opening waiting to be replaced.  A headstone was in place and on it, the name “Self.”
Looking at the scene, peace and release, yes, even anticipation, flowed through me. Then I realized what God was revealing to me: if self and I weren’t separated, the fullness of my life in Jesus wouldn’t happen.  As I laid the pleading, whimpering bundle into the grave, a voice quietly said, “Its ok. This is meant to be.”
Walking home I could hear the cry following me. It was reaching out to me and trying to draw me back. How could I bury a part of myself?!! Isn’t that part of who God made me to be? What have I done?  The cry continues over the years, sometimes whimpering, other times screaming. Self never gives up; I was born with her presence, but, I have also been born again - with a spirit of adoption! (See Romans 8:10-15).  The once stronger “Flesh” can be quieted. Faith is now the stronger attitude. Listen! Do you hear what I hear?
But I say, walk by the Spirit,
and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.
 For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit,
 and the Spirit against the flesh;
for these are in opposition to one another,
so that you may not do the things that you please.
 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.
Galatians 5:16-18 (New American Standard Bible)
Oh, the brush strokes in the Painter’s hand this morning?  Blue sky, wispy, whimsical, streaks of white feather-like clouds!  His heart rejoices when our hearts return His love (see Zephaniah 3:17).

Written by Sandy Schott 4-19-13

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your heart-felt devotion with us, Sandy!
