
Devotional for 4/30/13

The Eyes Have It

Some years ago I wanted to ride the Yamaha 125 dirt bike my husband was abandoning for a bigger bike.  A few instructions and I was off!   Although the wheelie down the driveway was a surprise, and heading for the wood rail fence was unexpected, neither deterred me from my appointed goal. I rode the neighboring streets for a year. 
Flash forward several years to another place, another time, only now I had a bigger goal.  Said husband bought a long-desired Harley Davidson motorcycle; so now I could have the Honda Shadow all to myself. The motorcycle safety class test was easy, until I had to lean into the turn.  Fear overwhelmed me (where did that come from?). I couldn’t do it.
The instructor saw my struggle and called out, “Look at me, Sandy!”
“I can’t!” I cried in return. 
“Yes, you can, just look at me and the bike will turn toward me!” he assured me.
 The instructor was right. I have been reminded of that scene and those words when facing other situations over the years.
The disciple Peter walking on the water when his eyes were on Jesus and sinking when his eyes were not is another reminder (see Matthew 14:28-32). I wonder if we’re from the same gene pool as Peter?  Actually we are - our genetics trace back to father Adam and mother Eve.
I dare say most of us look at the situation, not at the instructor who would take us through to complete the course. But God, (this is my favorite phrase in scripture!), draws near to us and says, “O, you of little faith, why did you doubt? (v.31) and then in (v.32) - when they got into the boat, the wind stopped.
You, Lord, calm the sea,

 inviting us to be with Thee;

will we ever learn to first look at Thee

and not at our ability or inability?
 "Do not fear, for I am with you."
Isaiah 41:10a NASB:

He doesn’t say he’s on his way to me. He doesn’t say he’s watching over me.”  He says, “I AM is with you, Sandy.” 
The great I AM is with me!  He lives in my body (see Colossians 2:27).  My body is the temple of His Holy Spirit, (see 1Corinthians 6:19).  He can’t be any more with me, or you who believe, than that!

   “Do not look anxiously about you, for I am your God.
 I will strengthen you, surely I will help you. 
 I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”  
 Isaiah 41:10b NASB 

WHAT am I looking at? - or - WHO am I looking at? The choice is ours. Which one will be your focus?
Do you see what I see?  The word look has a double “o” - like eyes? 

Now where did I put my Son glasses?

Written by Sandy Schott


  1. This is very true to God's reality Sandy. Our job is to make it our reality as well. We wallow in fear a lot. We have forgotten to really look to God in all situations. After all what is fear?

    This was a wonderful meal for the heart and mind, Sandy.

    God bless

  2. Sandy, your devotion made me smile! Thanks!
