
Devotional for 4/8/13

Bad Things Happen

Internationally known pastor, speaker, and writer Rick Warren of Southern California announced a few days ago that his 27 year old son had committed suicide. His son had had a long struggle with mental illness.

I was sorry to hear about their family's loss. Even for those of us who do not know the Warren's it isn't difficult for news like this to grab our emotional attention and imagination.

One time I was listening to a friend describe his daughter's gradual downward spiral. He said that over a few years she had become convinced that she was not of any worth whatsoever to anyone. There was nothing anyone said that changed her perspective or convinced her otherwise. They all tried. They all prayed. They sought counseling. Yet one day she decided she could bear the pain no longer.

I cannot comprehend a pain so great. But there is One who understands and He tells us how to treat others during such times through Paul's teaching in Romans 12:15 (The Message version):

Bless your enemies; no cursing under your breath.
 Laugh with your happy friends when they’re happy;
 share tears when they’re down.
 Get along with each other; don’t be stuck-up.
 Make friends with nobodies; don’t be the great somebody.

Dear Lord, thank You that even when life is at its darkest that You are with us. In Jesus name, amen.

A song by Christian artist Chris Tomlin: "Whom Shall I Fear?" is an uplifting reminder that the God of Angel armies is always by our side: Click hear to watch and hear it on GodTube:

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

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