
Friday Devptopma;...When You Are Adopted, You Are Born Again

You get a new parent, a new family and friends

My Sister and My Best Friend

The adoption papers were signed.                       Romans 8:15
I was baptized into a new family.                         Romans 6:3-5
It was like being born again, somehow.               John 3:3
This will be all new to me.                                      Romans 6:4

A gentle someone came along side.
“Welcome to our family.” smiled she
“I’ll be teaching you how to be wise,
But you will have to say very close to me.

I’ll help you to become a strong branch                  John 15:5
That’s what sisters do in this family tree!
I’ll remind you where you are sitting,                     Ephesians 2:6
How to walk,                                                               Ephesians 4:17
And how to stand.                                                       Ephesians 6:11
Your way will be lighted by me.

It takes time to become aware of my voice,
You’re not used to hearing me speak,
But don’t be discouraged – persevere.
I’ll be strengthening when you are weak.                 Isaiah 42:3

I’m usually shouting, 
“People! Won’t you come?                                         Proverbs 1:20-21
Let your ear be attentive 
to the voice of Wisdom!”                                          Proverbs 2:1-12
For that is my name and 
my voice is heard by some.

Then – I felt another beside me.                              Proverbs 4:7
Now there was one on either side
With the same smile and gentleness,
Is this one another guide?

“Yes, I am.” declared the voice
“I will not pass you by.
When Wisdom teaches you something,
I, Understanding, will share the why.                 Proverbs 2:6, 11, 12

I’m here to be your Best Friend
Incline your heart to me till the end.                        Proverbs 2:2

So, I am continually learning  
about my new family                                                    Proverbs 7:4
With WISDOM as my Sister and
UNDERSTANDING as my Best Friend!

Written by
Sandy Schott  

Sunday, June 28, 2009

1 comment:

  1. I love your writing and how you point us to scripture every step of the way!
