

Devotional for Sunday, 4/28/13

Last week I was at an outdoor event with vendor booths selling all kinds of wares.  It was in a small western town where you never know what you might see.  This day was no exception.  There were the usual sights of people from all walks of life, some with dogs accompanying them, others with children in tow.  Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of something more unusual following a woman from booth to booth.  I did a double take and confirmed what I thought I had seen - a tiny little lamb following close on the heels of it's owner.  It was so adorable!  I was surprised she did not need to keep it on a leash or anything. In her hand she had a bottle of water for it, as it was a hot day in the Arizona desert. With all the activity going on all around, and all the people passing by, that little lamb stuck by her side.  No one tried to take the lamb or hurt it in any way, but lots of folks wanted to pet it and take it's picture!

We often thirst for God here on earth, in the midst of toil and troubles, past mistakes and hurts, and worries over what might happen in the future.  Our tongue cleaves to the roof of our mouth for lack of a sip of refreshment.  We seek the Lord for relief.  When our faith is strong, we are like that little lamb I saw.  We are the sheep of  God's pasture, and Jesus is our shepherd.  Our Savior is our "living water", the giver of eternal life, and we follow him despite all the distractions in this world.  Jesus is our protector and will never let us be taken away from him.  God quenches our thirst in this barren land.

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.  I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand."  John 10:27-28  NIV

Dear Father in heaven, please give us your Holy Spirit to strengthen our faith in your son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior.  Quench our thirst forever with your living water, the promise of everlasting life in heaven with you.  Keep us in your eternal care. Protect us from the evil one.  Guide us great Shepherd into a faithful life as witnesses to the world.  In Jesus' name, AMEN.

Written by Jan Andersen

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