
Saturday Devotional...GOOD GIRL or Just God's Girl?

                                               Living in the light of being real.

I need to move away from the mind frame of being a "good" Christian girl and to being God's Christian girl. It seems when I try to focus on being good, zipped up, and safe, it’s not real. This is because life is not about pretending to have it all together all the time. I am for sure that I don't. Some days I feel it would be better to say in bed away from people because I can’t pretend to be nice today. I am not always nice. The ones I love the most know that, because I can me myself around them. Why do we want to pretend in front of others we don't know? I don't know where it says in the Bible that we are supposed to be happy or nice all the time.

All the religious happy talk and covering up real life issues is not helpful to anyone. It creates a sense of shame in others who might be suffering or broken in secret or in fear that they are not good enough. I don't need to pretend to have it all together for the sake of my witness. God has it all in his hand, not only the good but also the bad and the ugly. It all works together like a beautiful painting. The dark shades illuminates the light.

I have been called to dig deeper still into the dark valleys of life where the suffering and broken are. The place where His light can shine the brightest is a lighthouse of hope to others. 

If I go up to heaven You are there;
 if I go to the place of the dead, You are there. 
If I ride the wings of the morning,
 if I dwell by the farthest oceans, 
even there Your hand will guide me, 
and Your strength will support me.
Psalms 139:8-10

Written by
Angie Madison

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