
Thursday Devotional...Jesus Is Loving & Real

Today is the beginning of a new pre year for me. In heart, mind, body and spirit, I try to recommit every year to renew myself with hope and with a firm commitment to what I believe in. Some of the little girl dreams that I had I still have not experienced. This is mainly because I give into self and instant satisfaction to fill my neediness. I have come so far with hanging on to Jesus's hand. He is my love. I have always felt a strong connection to Him.

Even as a child. I was confused all along about what Christianity taught about him. I knew in my heart that He was far more loving and real to be that distant as people perceived. When I was about 4 I had some money in my pocket that my mom had asked me to put in the basket at church. I would not put it in. I wanted to keep it. Later on my mom heard me talking real loud in my room and she said she went and checked and I was throwing my money up in the air saying "Jesus come get it, just come down get it."

I obviously had trust at 4 that He would come get it. I believed He would come to me as I was, selfish and all. He has always been there for me. In my selfishness, in my self-seeking dishonesty His love prevails. He puts his hand over my hurting heart when I fall from the distorted realities that I create. HE IS THE ONLY THING THAT IS REAL AND PRESENT ALWAYS. He is one love I can trust that will never leave me when all others do. So I am praying that He will rise in my heart, mind and spirit today and yours. As my spirit becomes one with His, I pray for protection for myself and for you against any doubt that we are not good enough to have the life that he died for us to have, filled with proprieties.

He rose to give us that hope and confidence THAT WE ARE Worth IT.

 Forever. xoxoxooxxo me

The Kingdom of God is ...righteousness and peace 
and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Romans 14:17
Written by
Angie Madison

Brand New Staff Writer of WFM


  1. Welcome to Women's Focus Ministries, Angie.

    This devotional There are good thoughts here. So many people slow themselves down waiting until they think they have fixed themselves. This takes a long time and without God it is hard if not impossible to do. Go to Him sooner rather than later and you will get the help you need to work on your shortcomings with quicker success. Good word!

    God bless

  2. Good to have you here Angie! I love the visual that comes to mind as you speak of throwing the money into the air as a child! We need to remember that kind of faith!
