
Wednesday's Devotional...Who are you looking for?

This devotional is shorter than we usually post.
However, in less than 150 words there is a lot
to ponder, to learn from, and to grow from.
Corinne Mustafa


     "Keeping My Eyes 
                          On Christ"

I am realizing more and more each day that I need to fully depend and put my trust in Christ. As I keep my eyes on Jesus, I am discovering whatever comes my way, He will take care of everything. I don't have to worry and get stressed out with the tough situations in my life. God is fully able to handle my life if I will rely on Him and His strength. He has all the power!

I am reminded in Hebrews 12:2a....
Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith...

Jesus is the one I look to every day! I will keep my eyes on Christ, for I know He has the very best in mind for my life.

In His Radical Love, 
Sandy Billingham

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