
Devotional for 5/7/13

The Light of the World

I was thinking about the words of our Lord saying that Christians are the light of the world and we’re also a lamp. Now how can that be? We are either the light or the lamp – right?  

Aha!  An opportunity to dig into scripture as though we’re looking for a nugget of gold - in this case – it’s a nugget of truth!  Jesus told his disciples, “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” (John 9:5). Got it. Then He left this world to return to His father. Did that leave us without His light? 

Oh, contraire! Jesus told the disciples that they are the light of world (see Matthew 5:14) because they are in Christ who is the light of the world.  Wherever the Gospel is preached, there is light.  Jesus stands knocking at the door of our human heart; when invite Him in our body is the lamp which holds the Light!  
Kerosene lamps used to be a common source of light. The glass had to be cleaned often because the soot buildup reduced and eventually blocked the brightness of the glow of the light.  It was a messy but necessary task, which if delayed for too long would lead to stumbling in the dark, so the owner of the lamp was careful to keep it clean. 

I am like that kerosene lamp. I have the Light (which is Christ) in me. In order to obey God’s command to ‘Let my Light shine before men” (see Matthew 5:16) I will have to be sure my glass is clean; except I can’t clean myself! However, I can turn back to my Lord and turn away from my bad ways (repent). When I ask for forgiveness, His Grace and Mercy will wipe me clean. These two cleansing agents are all that’s needed – and I find I need them often! God never runs out of Grace and Mercy – He is always ready to forgive. 

Your word is a lamp for my feet,
    a light on my path.

Psalm 119:105 NIV 


For You are my lamp, O Lord;
The Lord shall enlighten my darkness.

2 Samuel 22:29 NKJV 


Jesus, You not only accept us just as we are, but because we are Yours!
Written by Sandy Schott


  1. I enjoyed reading your devotional, Sandy. In the kerosene lame there is nice analogy of what the Lord does to help us remain clean. I will be thinking about this all day.

    Thank you and God bless.

    1. a friend suggested I use it after Bible class and I smiled at my Lord because he teaches me to trust by waiting till the last minute sometimes to show his trustworthiness and as another friend always says - to God be the glory! Amen OH! I LOVE the photo!!!!
