
Friday Devotional...5/17/13


“Jesus replied, 
“If anyone loves me, he will 
obey my teaching.  
My father will love him, 
and we will come to him
and make our home 

with him.”
John 14:25

    From the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, mankind has been in a state of rebellion against God.  Like little children defying their parents, we stamp our feet and want to do exactly the opposite of what God wants us to do.  Eventually, little children do grow up and realize their parents have really become smart.  Parents know more about how to live life successfully from their experience, and their rules, which they want their children to “obey,” are really the wisest way to live.

     So too, is it with God.  His rules are designed for our good and to give us the very best in life.  He sees the entire picture and out of His great love for us, wants to give us the most abundant life.

     Look at a society which is living more and more against God’s rules – a soaring divorce rate, abuse of all kinds, addictions of all sorts, cruelty, fraud and stealing, misuse of natural resources, bombings and less safety in daily life, wars and rumors of wars.

     The whole universe is an example of how God’s creation works in harmony as it obeys certain natural laws.  How hard we make it on ourselves when we, as the children of Israel did in the wilderness, do not abandon our stubborn ways and godless practices rather than follow God’s rules of love for our lives in “obedience” to Him.  
     Want to learn how to have the abundant life? Open your bible daily and feed on God's life giving Word. Learn to follow the obedient example of Jesus.

Written by
Carol Lynn Steficek

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