
Thursday Devotional...May 2, 1913...Living Stones:

Stones are:

Long and skinny
Polished, smooth
Rough around the edges
Roly poly

We are the living stones of Christ’s Temple.  To form a solid, unshakable  structure, the base is laid on strong flat stone slabs with Christ as the Cornerstone.  If only round stones were used as a base, the entire structure would collapse.  No two stones are exactly alike, and need to fit together with their equal but opposite shapes and sizes.  Some stones are long and skinny and need to be stabilized by sturdy square blocks.  The smooth and polished stones might cause some of the less notable participants to shrink back in insecurity, but without the contrast of the more ordinary stones, the shimmering, polished beauty is not as spectacular.  Even the tiniest, most insignificant pebbles are important to the Temple structure.  Without the little rocks filling in the cracks between the larger members, the entire integrity would be compromised.  As the Temple continues to take shape and flourish, we might wonder why there are so many pieces that are jagged and rough around the edges.  As the winds of time blow against the Temple, the jagged and rough stones begin to soften and smooth out.  They are polished by the even smaller bits of sand that add grit to the structure.  As the weight of the world threatens to crush Christ’s Temple, and even the strongest members sometimes crack and crumble, more stones will be brought in as solid assurance that this Temple will not fall.  Gray, split, colorful, porous, or granite – all stones are usable, valuable, and necessary. 

  Welcome to the living Stone, the source of life.
The workmen took one look and threw it out;
 God set it in the place of honor.
Present yourselves as building stones
for the construction of a sanctuary vibrant with life,
in which you’ll serve as holy priests offering
Christ-approved lives up to God.
1 Peter 2:4-5
(The Message)

Written by
Paula Glauber

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