
Can You Hear Me Now?

Devotional for Monday, 6/24/13

When my cell phone rang at 8 this morning from an unfamiliar area code, I let it go to voice mail. It turned out to be my brother on his new cell phone. When I called him back, he apparently didn’t recognize my number so he let it go to voice mail. While I was leaving a message, he tried calling again. When we finally connected the fun really began. I have to say my brother is almost 82 years old and is just now starting to use a cell phone (I could hear his son-in-law in the back ground trying to instruct him). Anyway, we finally connected and had a short conversation. Oh, yes, my brother is slightly hard of hearing and only caught about half of what I was saying.
This whole situation started my mind working, although it was 8 am and my mind does not usually wake up until at least 9 am. What if we had to talk to Jesus on a cell phone?
First of all we would have to know His number. When we call we would have to wait for Him to pick up. If he was busy, then we would listen to His message, “I’m sorry, I am not available right now but if you will leave your name and number I will get back to you as soon as possible. Have a blessed day.” Now how to word a message back to Him? “Hi this is Jackie again, I was wondering if we could do lunch? I have something rather urgent to talk to you about, please call me back.” 

Aren’t you glad we don’t have to play telephone tag with the Lord? We are never put on hold and He always has the time to listen. He even gave us His private phone number.
Call to Me and I will show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.
Jeremiah 33:3 NASB 

Lord, thank You for always picking up when I call. Thank You that You are always willing to listen and to help me in the way that is best for me – even if I have asked for a different way. Thank You for caring about each one of us and all we are going through. In Your precious name, amen.

Written by Jacquelin Gilmer


  1. Our wonderful God has it all figured out. It is so simple...not the rigmarole that we have to go through trying to reach people. All we have to do is whisper or even think about something and He will hear us and hold us close.

    Thank you Jackie
    God bless...

  2. This speaks to me on two levels.. Of course the message itself, God is always there, always listening and always speaks to us if we will only listen. Then there is the whole cell phone...answering machine thing! I have let calls go to voice mail because I was "too busy" to talk right then; dismissing the importance of the call and the callers time. "I will get back to them later". Hmmm, maybe I should think instead, how nice that this person is taking time out their life to call me; better answer this!
    Vicki Goss
