
"Effective Prayers Avail Much"

Wednesday Devotional...6/18/13

I was shopping today for a specific item that I could not find anywhere. I searched for a nearby employee to ask if she could help me. Lo and behold she knew exactly where it was, in which I was very thankful and let her know. I felt a nudge in my heart to ask her if there was anything specific I could pray for. She immediately said yes, and that very recently her nephew had died unexpectedly. I shared that I would most definitely be praying for her and her family for God's comfort, healing and peace.

I don't think many of us fully realize the power of prayer when we connect with our Mighty God. Prayer is a simple act yet when we are plugged into the power of God we can be assured mountains will be moved! As we pray in faith believing God hears and answers, lifes are forever changed and God is lifted up.

In James 5:16B it says...
"The effective, fervent prayer 
of a righteous man avails much." 

When our relationship with Christ is right and pure, we can be confident the heavens will open as we pray and intercede on behalf of others.

I count it a privilege to stand in the gap for those in need. As we pray and watch the hand of God move, we can clearly know that many shall see His goodness and give Him all the glory!

In His Radical Love, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. The person who prays and has conversations with God effects changes through Him. It is the most
    powerful tool we have to help others and become closer to God. What a privilege we have!

    Thank you Sandy and God bless...
