

Friday Devotional...6/21/13

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 
II Corinthians 5:7

     I frequently pray that God would make the things of heaven and the unseen world more real to me than the world I live in.  Why?  I believe that since this world is so temporary and our lives are so short, that we need to have a vision of the fact that this journey is through the wilderness and we are on the path to our true eternal home.

     God has proved to me many times that “faith” sees the unseen and a person sometimes merely has to wait upon God’s timing to see prayers manifested before our eyes.  Do you need help in making a wise decision regarding something?  Do you need healing?  Do you need help with finding a job or with your finances?  Trust God and continue to step out in faith.  Thank God that He loves you and has your best interests at heart and know that His provision is always there.

     God is the only One worthy of our trust and faith.  The Bible is full of His promises to us and examples of His provision to His people from the beginning of creation.  We need to learn to have expectant faith, that goes beyond our immediate vision and understanding to the One who holds the universe in His hand and yet care enough about each one of us to have numbered the hairs on our heads.

     We walk by faith and not by sight, trusting in the hand that both holds and guides us.  Have faith in God.  Never take your eyes off Jesus!

          Written b
                          Carol Lynn Steficek

1 comment:

  1. For some reason walking by faith often seems hard for us to do. We loose sight of all our true beliefs about how we should do this, forgetting that faith is a belief in things unseen.

    Good topic, Carol. Thank you and God bless...
