
"Be Anxious For Absolutely Nothing"...Wednesday


I am so amazingly intrigued how God's word really does work and minister to us when we truly put it in to practice. Essentially, just doing what God tells us to do and then letting God do what He says He will do.

Just recently I was very upset and anxious about a certain situation. That is when the Holy Spirit reminded me of the scripture out of Philippians 4:6 where it says,

"Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God."

I chose to release all my worries and cares into the hands of God Almighty and bring my prayers and supplications to Him with much thanksgiving.

When God tells us to be anxious for nothing, He literally means for us to be anxious about absolutely nothing. God does not want His children striving and being stressed out. So I trusted my Lord and gave my situation over to Him. In doing so, I experienced much peace and rest in my God.

I am so overwhelmingly glad that my Abba Daddy takes care of me every moment and hour of my day. 

In His Radical Love, 
Sandy Billingham


  1. This is an excellent scripture given here. We need to remember that in the end there is nothing we can really do for ourselves. We must fully rely on God to take care of the things that we are anxious about. The next verse of that scripture promises us that the PEACE OF GOD WIIL BE IN OUR HEARTS. We just need to chill our and wait on the Lord.

    God bless

  2. Thank you for this reminder. Especially with my commute to SF for jury duty during the BART strike. I must remember that my day, my whole life already in His plan.

    Perfect timing with this message!
