
"Be Strong In The Lord"...Wednesday

I love the thought that our Lord and Savior has strength that never runs out. As we call upon Him for His strength, He stands ready to provide that for us each and every time. He is faithful to fill us with His strength that only He can give.
I love to pray the scripture out of Ephesians 6:10 that says;

"Finally my brethren, 
be strong in the Lord 
and in the power of His might."
We can only be strong in the Lord as we look to Him to manifest His strength and power in us. He is fully where our strength comes from. We do not have to feel weak and feeble as believers in Christ, because He is living within us and he so wonderfully provides every ounce of strength that we need.
I can't tell you how many times I have been weary and felt like I just couldn't make it through that particular day. As I cried out to God to endowme with His strength, He always so remarkably came through and provided His great strength to me.

The Lord 
is truly where 
our strength 
comes from, 
so Be Strong 
In The Lord Sisters!

In His Radical Love, 
Sandy Billingham


  1. Always remember to look for our strength in the loaded vault of the Lord,

    God bless...

  2. God is the only true strength that we have. He is there, just for the asking. I love that we have a God that loves us so unconditionally, and will carry us when we no longer have the strength.
    When in doubt, all we need to do is pick up and read the scriptures and gain strength for another day.
