
"Friends Forever"...Wednesday

    MY BFF   

I was thinking how very honored I feel and extremely blessed that Jesus tells me He is my friend. Of course He is also many other things to me, as well. He is my Savior, Healer, Deliverer, Refuge, Provider, and the list goes on. But there is something very incredibly special when he says He is my friend.

His word clearly tells me... 

"No longer do I call you slaves, 
for the slave does not know what his master is doing, 
but I have called you friends, 
for all things that I have heard 
from my Father I have
made known 
to you."
John 15:15... 
He wants to share the very heart of the Father with me. He is not keeping any secrets from me but sharing the deeper things of the Spirit as I stay close with Jesus and build a strong, intimate, relationship with Him. Daily He is calling me to draw closer with Him so I can hear His voice. He loves spending time with me because that is what best friends do! 
I can honestly say I have a variety of friends in my life. Some are of casual acquaintance. Others I love to hang out with and have coffee and visit about our lives. And then there are those that I have known for many, many years. We have been there for each other through the storms of life. But Jesus... totally laid down His life for me. Jesus, never judges me and completely accepts me and loves me no matter what I have done or said. He is there for me every second of the day.
Yes!  Jesus is my very best friend forever!

Written by
Sandy Billingham


  1. We have many friends but only one FRIEND! And what a friend He is. We did nothing to deserve it. He just loves us because... How wonderful is that!!!!

    Thank you, Sandy! THANK YOU JESUS!
    God bless...

  2. Thank you for reminding us that that there is someone who always understands us and loves us anyway.

  3. Oh my gracious, your witness to Jesus being our best friend reminds me of a Sunday School song, What A Friend We Have In Jesus - melts my heart! Thank you, Sandy, for you have given me a special memory and melody to sing this week!
