


I was enjoying 
my mid-morning coffee
 when I heard what sounded like 
a thud on the front step. 

Just as I reached the screen door a stranger was reaching for the handle! I pulled hard and fast, locking it at the same time.  “What are you doing?!  You need to leave my property!”  Then I spotted his luggage. He looked at me quizzically and began. “I’m retired and need a place to live.  I see by the cross above your door that you are a Christian, so I’d like to stay with you. I've lived a righteous life, I’m faithful at church, I tithe, and I pray.  No one can charge me with wrongdoing.”  

My response: “I do not know you, and if you don’t leave, I’m calling the police.”  He picked up his luggage and walked away.

I returned to my coffee, thinking about this scenario, and shortly there was a knock at the door.  I took my attitude, and phone with finger hovering over the speed dial.  There was another stranger.  This one removed his baseball cap, and with a humble demeanor, he introduced himself.

“Hi.  My name is----- “, and before he could say another word, I unlocked the door, throwing it wide open – nearly knocking him off the step – and hugged him tightly.  I was laughing and crying at the same time, and the joy my heart was experiencing nearly made me shine like the sun!   “YES! I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!  I KNOW ALL ABOUT YOU!  MY SON HAS TOLD US OF YOUR WONDERFUL FRIENDSHIP!  COME IN!  MY HOUSE IS YOUR HOUSE!  YOUR ROOM IS READY!  I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOUR ARRIVAL!” 

I enjoyed him as much as my own son, which he was, based on his relationship and fellowship with my son.

Now - the rest of the story.  The first man came back.  “Oh, I see the problem.  It all depends on who knows your son!  Well, I should have told you, I know your son!  Oh yes, I’ve seen him around, heard of his accomplishments, nodded a hello as we passed by, and although your son and I have never met personally, we know about each other!” and he grinned like he’d won the lottery, reaching for the door handle again.   
“Do not return here again! I do not know you, and my Son has never spoken of your friendship.  You cannot come in!”  I said, as I turned the handle locking him out and heard the siren’s approaching.


The scene reminds me of John 6:28-29, 40

Jesus tells people:
“Don’t work for food which perishes, but for food that endures to eternal life which the Son of Man shall 
give you, for on Him the Father, even God, has set his seal!”   People:  “What shall we do that we may work the works of God?”   Jesus: v.29 –“This is the work of God, that you should believe in Him and whom He has sent.”  V.40For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him, may have eternal life; and I Myself will raise him up on the last day.”   

Jesus’ words are words I use in my testimony to those who “have done their best to get there”, who “hope go to heaven”, who are “not sure if they’ll go to heaven”, etc.  I pray this prayer, “Thank you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for Your plan to save Your creation. You ask Your question in Isaiah 6:8 – “who will go for Us?” Our answer is, “We, your daughters, will go and tell of Your glorious plan!” 

For by grace you have been saved through faith
and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;
not as a result of works, that no one should boast, 

for we are His workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus for good works, 

which God prepared beforehand, 
that we should walk in them.
                                                          Ephesians 2:8-10

Written by
Sandy Schott


  1. Oh my word, Sandy, your writings are always so unique and from an amazing angle.I have to admit that I read your devotional three times before I figured it out. So, when I posted it I tried to give readers a hint about whose house that was.Maybe they will be less dense than I was. We need to reach out to others with the good news so that someone who lives a good life but does not know Jesus will not be turned away from what could have been his/her eternal home.

    God bless...

  2. What a wonderful way to show us the difference between hearing about a god and knowing the one true God as our Lord and Savior.
    Opening our hearts today, will open His doors tomorrow!

    1. Thanks, Lynnie! Love your parting thought!
