

Devotional for 7/28/13

We have seen many public figures recently that have been exposed for having "secret sins" that have come to light.  In terms of those who hold a public office, there has been debate as to whether they should resign, or others to withdraw from their races for office.  Some still try to deny the accusations, others apologize and ask for forgiveness and then turn around and do it all over again.  We get frustrated, angry, and wonder when they will "come clean" or step down or withdraw.  We wonder how there can be such obvious double standards, when other people in other jobs would be immediately dismissed.  Boy, do we get disgusted with the "lack of morals" in public figures nowadays. 

You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence.  Psalm 90:8 (NIV)

Have we ever considered how God feels when we do the same thing?  "ME?" we say - "I don't do THAT!"   But yet, we all sin.  On top of that, we often commit the same sins over and over again.  Sometimes we try to deny those sins, or even refuse to believe that what we are doing is even considered sinful.   We want to sugar coat them or give excuses for why we did them.  When we do admit we have sinned, and we repent and say we are sorry and will try to do better, what often happens?  We fall once again, if not in that particular sin, then another.  Some of those sins are so humiliating we keep them secret from others - from family, friends, the world.... even from ourselves if that is possible.  All sins separate us from God, big or small, and we are unable to "make it right" on our own.  Thankfully, God never gets angry or disgusted with us.  He loves us and forgives us when we come to him with a humble heart, because of the death and resurrection of his son, Jesus, Christ.  There is nothing - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that God will not forgive when in faith we ask him to do so. We may still have earthly consequences to endure, but God still loves us.  No matter what we have done or will do, or how many times or how far we feel we have fallen, God is still there to pick us up!

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.  Psalm 90:14 (NIV)
Psalm 90:14 (43 kb)

written by 
Jan Andersen


  1. Scripture says that we ALL (not some) have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We are told to remove the plank from our own eye before we try to remove the splinter from some one else's eye. We all need to clean our own houses and pray without ceasing for others who have shown shortcomings. I am in total agreement with your assessment here, Jan. I am guilty of some of the attitudes that you are describing.

    Creator bless...

  2. So true...it is easy to stand back in judgement of others, especially when they commit the "big" sins...as though the small sins we commit daily were less of an obstacle in our relationship with Christ. Thanks for the reminder Jan, and thanks be to God whose memory of our wrongs (once we ask His forgiveness) is as far as the east is from the west!

  3. Another good one, Jan - out of my mouth comes comments that I shake my head about re: others words or works and I ask God to forgive which lasts till the next 10 minutes! Amazing grace keeps us close to the One who understands but still requires that we turn and go in His direction -I like that better than repent - that word sounds sooo heavy, necessary only for the "really bad" sins! Yet I know that if I don't turn back to God by asking forgiveness for my little errors, it is rebellion and THAT IS A REEEEEALLY HEAVEY sin! Miss you but like keeping in touch here! Hugs!!

  4. Thank you all for your encouraging comments. Glad I am not alone! Because I wrote this with my own self in mind, knowing that I also fall into the trap of expressing my disgust at the sins of others, especially public figures. So thankful that our Lord and Savior paid even for that sin of mine! Repent does mean not only apology but also turning, so turning back to God is perfect Sandy :)
