
A CRUTCH... Sunday

Devotional for 9/1/13

My religion is a crutch.  Yes, you read that right.  I lean on God to help me through life, just like people lean on a crutch when they need help to walk.  Without that crutch they may still be able to move forward, but it might be more difficult, more painful, more unstable and unsafe, and more uneven in a limping fashion.  The same goes for life without God.  When difficulties are met in life without faith, they can produce much more pain and suffering.   Without God to help us through, our lives can become very unstable.  Our safety may be at risk, if not in this life, then certainly the next.  Without God we would limp through life, trying to rely only on ourselves and our own resources. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV
Proverbs 3:5-6 (41 kb)
So yes, Jesus is my crutch!  He supports me and holds me up in times of trial, and he helps me walk a straight path through life.  

written by Jan Andersen


Here is a song to listen to for  Sunday


  1. When Jesus is your coach you are definitely on the winning team. Great devotional, Jan.
    God bless...

  2. Thank you for laying it out like that. The world uses so many things as crutches. Money, attention, false relationships; and all sorts of addictions. I will use the one that never fails. My Almighty Father God!

  3. Thank you for laying it out like that. The world uses so many things as crutches. Money, attention, false relationships; and all sorts of addictions. I will use the one that never fails. My Almighty Father God!
