
Counting Sheep...Tuesday

Devotional, 8/6/13 

“MOM!!! MOOOOOOOM!!!”  I threw off the covers and ran into my son’s bedroom. “It’s okay. I’m here. It’s okay.” My voice was reassuring, my grip tight, as I waited for our racing hearts to slow from overdrive into cruise control. “I’m afraid to go to sleep again, will you stay with me?” 

Every parent knows my answer.  To help him turn in thoughts in a more positive direction I shared about counting sheep to help me go to sleep. That scene got his attention. Then I got his questions. How many sheep do you have to count before you fall asleep?  Are they big sheep or little sheep? I decided on a different approach. 

“Before King David became a king, what was his job in the family?” I asked.
“He was a shepherd,” my son replied as he snuggled under his covers. “Before the shepherd takes the sheep out to the green pasture, he---?" I suggested, waiting for his answer. “Counts the sheep," he said as his eyes closed.

Tucking him in, I continued, "So if one gets lost, the shepherd would be sure to notice. First he would call the sheep in a special way that the sheep knows. Then if the sheep did not come back, the shepherd would leave the others in a safe place and go look for it.  The shepherd must have talked to them a lot because they knew the sound of his voice."

 “The big stick, mom, don't forget about the shepherd's stick!" he reminded me, encouraging me to continue in spite of the sleep overtaking him.

"Right, dear one, the shepherd has a special stick that he uses to reach lambs that have fallen into holes. He also uses his stick to chase away wolves that try to come near the sheep. At night, after the shepherd has put all the sheep back into their safe place, he lies down in front of the door so no one can get past him to steal even one of them.”  
I leaned over to kiss my son's forehead and whisper, "Sweet dreams," when his eyes opened just a little. He smiled softly and said, "I am one of His sheep and He is watching over me. Thank you, Mommy."

As I headed back to my own bed my heart was full of gratitude for the beginning of wisdom that I had seen in my son's heart. Oh Lord, please help me to have the faith of a little child.

Lord, You are my Shepherd

I shall not want.

You make me lie down in green pastures;

You lead me beside the quiet waters.
You restore my soul;
You guide me in the paths of righteousness
For Your name’s sake.
Even though I walk through the
Valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil; for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, They comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
In the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup overflows.
Surely goodness and loving kindness shall follow me
All the days of my life,
And I will dwell in Your house, Lord, forever.
  Psalm 23 NASB
Written by Sandy Schott


  1. Such a lovely way to teach a child about the work of a shepherd which leads him to know that he is hearing of his SHEPHARD...the Shephard we all can count on who is described in the 23rd Psalm.

    God bless...

  2. i so enjoyed your writing. Such a great way to teach our children. Thank you.

  3. The children at VBS yesterday learned again this beautiful Psalm . In their Bible Adventure rotation all the children reclined in the green pastures, walked through a darkened area for the Valley of the Shadow of death and were all annointed with oil. It was a wonderful way they all learned what Sandy beautifully shared in her writing today.

  4. I needed that reminder for myself, thank you.
