

Devotional for 8/11/13

Meilan Jin was distracted.  So was the bus driver.  On February 22, 2012, Meilan was absorbed, talking on her cell phone while crossing a busy intersection diagonally to catch a ride to work.  She was struck and killed by a bus making a fast turn, whose driver didn't even realize she had hit a pedestrian.  The number of pedestrians injured while texting or talking on their cell phones has tripled in recent years to over 1500 a year.  And distracted drivers cause over 3000 deaths a year.  We are a distracted population!

There are many distractions in our lives.  It makes it hard to remain present, aware of our surroundings, able to enjoy the current moment of our day.  We are busy coming and going, often ruled by the clock.  We are absorbed by thoughts of things in the past, things we "could have" or "should have" done or not done.  Or we worry about the future, what might or might not happen.  These are stressful distractions that can drive us crazy if we let them. They can cause physical or emotional damage.  They can even lead us into escaping through addictions.  We can miss the beauty of creation right before our very eyes, or the opportunities to spend time with those we love.  There are so many things to take our attention away from the here and now that we forget to stop and smell the roses, hear the birds sing, or feel the sand between our toes.

When Jesus stopped on his way through Martha's village, she also was distracted:
As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him.  She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said.  But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”     “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”  Luke 10:38-42  (NIV)

Martha was so worried about getting things ready, that she didn't focus on the one most important thing, the Word of God.  In all our distractions of life, we also often lose focus on the one thing needed - being good disciples of Christ - studying his word, rejoicing in our blessings, and sharing our faith.  We don't want to miss God's presence in our lives, hearing his voice speak to us, feeling his arms around us, seeing his miracles in our lives, and sharing his love with others.  We want to put aside our distractions and remain present at the feet of Jesus!

Written by Jan Andersen


  1. I sometimes have a hard time with this story. I tend to have the gift of hospitality...which is an important gift. I always have sympathy for Martha who was in the kitchen getting food ready for her Guest or in the dining room arranging for His dinner. I guess maybe balance was not there, and Martha missed the boat in putting important things first. Still I cannot help but feel sad for Martha who did what someone had to do...and the someone was Martha.

    Still this is a good devotional about how we let so many things be a distraction from the main thing we should be doing.

    God bless...

  2. Very good, Jan, and I, like Martha & Corinne, have the gift of hospitality, and responsibility, so there's always the pull in both directions. Choices are made and there's to be no complaining about the other one making a different choice - Mary didn't complain because M. didn't choose to sit and listen ---- . Blessings to you!

  3. Yes, I feel it is about not letting those other things be MORE important than the one most important thing. And also about not trying to make others see it our way, that we are doing what is right and they are not. And about not being controlling about what others are doing. There are so many different angles that we can look at this story. And as usual, lots of details are not there in the story that we just do not know. But I feel Jesus' final words are key - He will not take away from Mary the most important thing, being with him!
