


"...all things are possible with God." 
Mark 10:27b

     We live in a world with technological advancements happening so quickly that man no longer thinks anything is impossible for him to do.  Medical advancements make headlines almost daily.  Computers and other such items are almost outdated every six months, certainly every year.  The car has come a long way since the days of Henry Ford.

     The only place where I think we could start looking at a few more possibilities for the "impossible" is in the realm of religion.  In the Bible it states that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Yet, much of the church operates like it is in the dark ages.

     When I worked at Frontier Nursing Service in Kentucky I met many missionaries taking sabbaticals from their mission fields.  I heard many fantastic stories of God's miraculous intervention in the lives of the missionaries and the people to whom they witnessed.  I asked one pastor why we see so little of the same events in the church today.  He told me that the western church neither looks for the impossible nor believes it will happen and so never experiences it.

     The impossible did not go out with the church in the Book of Acts.  Faith and hope should be expectant.  Christians, of all people, should be seeing the impossible fulfilled in their lives as God is a God of unlimited resources and the miraculous.  I do hear occasional stories from Christians about unexplained healings or being saved miraculously from some danger.  This should not be the exception but the rule.  We serve the God of the impossible -- expect great things from Him.

Written by 
Carol Lynn Steficek


  1. When we think about God and the things he can do we need to erase the "im" from impossible. Seems as this it is often hard to put our trust in what God will do.
    God bless

  2. Encouraging! Uplifting! Eyes Forward! Ears attuned to God! Anticipating! Hopeful! Thank you Carol - I'm putting my Son glasses on!

  3. Perhaps if we acknowledge all of the small, "possible" things God provides every day; we will erase the "im" from the times we need major miracles. The more I thank God for His love, the more I feel it.

    Thank you for reminding me!
