

Devotional for 8/25/13

Sometimes remembering can be a positive thing and sometimes a negative thing. When we reminisce about the past, we are usually remembering good and positive things that happened. When we remember what we learned in class at school, we are able to answer test questions better and hopefully pass our courses. But there are other times of remembering that are more difficult.  Some memories of the past are painful. They may be about the losses, like that of a loved one. Or maybe we keep remembering past sins, even though they have been forgiven, we feel we cannot forgive ourselves for the damages caused. Or perhaps there are memories of a lost childhood, such as when a child is abused, neglected or abandoned. Other times memories are buried and recovered later.  That can be our body's way of protecting us from too much emotional pain at an earlier age. There are even memories that can come back as flashbacks, as in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. These are memories that the body has not been able to process because they are so distressing and painful, but can be triggered by reminders including sights, smells, etc. Remembering can be a mixed bag of blessings and sorrows.

Sometimes remembering can be healing, and give us a way to process our memories. Jesus gave us the Lord's supper as a way to remember him and what he did for us, that by his death and resurrection we are saved. Remembering that he is always with us can give us strength to carry on. We can remember that when God is with us none can be against us, and through Christ we can do anything. Remembering God's Word is a blessing to combat and replace the sorrowful parts of our memories. 

We ask God to remember us with mercy and grace, like the thief on the cross who said, "Jesus remember me, when you come into your kingdom." Luke 23:42  There is a beautiful chant song with only those words as it's lyrics by Taize that you can listen to on youtube.  One recording is linked here: 


Jesus, thank you for remembering... for remembering me and not my sins!

written by Jan Andersen


  1. Remembering is a mixed thing...good and bad. What we do know is that Jesus will not forget us if we, like the man on the cross next to Jesus, ask Him to remember us.
    God bless...

  2. Just one more thing about the Lord's supper - we are to do it to remember him but I also believe he is present in the meal and blesses us with forgiveness of sins in this family meal with fellow believers. I am so grateful that Jesus remembers all believers even when we forget to remember he is with us!
