


"Who despises the day of small things?" 
 Zechariah 4:10a


         Most people in this world do not feel successful.  The vast majority of us are not rich, or famous, or powerful.  I never heard of you and you never heard of me.

    God does not want us to compare ourselves to anyone else.  He is concerned with you and me -- each of us as unique individuals.  He is concerned that each of us reaches our full potential in Him.  He has given each of us special gifts totally unique to ourselves.  God can only accomplish what He would like you to do if you will do it.  No one else is you, or ever will be you, or can do exactly what you can do.

     God does not want us to despise all of the "small things" which we can accomplish for Him and His kingdom and to help our neighbors.  God measures faithfulness in doing what we can and being who we are created to be in Him.

Written by
Carol Steficek

Here is a song to listen to this morning. 
It is called "The God of the Little Things."

1 comment:

  1. No effort...no matter how small...is too small to count in God's world. He gives us all gifts that are used by Him for His purposes
    God bless...
