
BROKEN... Sunday

Devotional for 9/22/13

There are times when we have a heavy heart and broken spirit.  Sometimes that is because of things happening to us or around us.  The times when we feel betrayed by a friend makes our heart heavy.   Or when a loved one dies and we feel that total loss in our hearts.  When evil things are happening in the world around us, it can make us wonder, "Where are you, God?"  Doubt creeps in.  Even more devastating than things happening to us or around us can be the things that happen within ourselves.  That can include when we are envious, or hateful, or resentful.  It can be when we hold other things as more important to us than God.  Our spirit is broken when we are separated from God, whether that be just a little, or by a great chasm when our faith falters.

But there is always hope.  Our hope means we are certain of God's mercy and grace, not just wishful thinking. Whether we feel God's presence or not, he is always there, even in our doubting times.  In fact those most broken times can be what drives us to greater faith.  We hear God speak to us and tell us that in spite of our difficulties or unfaithfulness, he still forgives and loves us.  We can be confident that when we turn to God and offer up our difficulties as a sacrifice, he will not despise us.  
Psalm 51:17 (32 kb)
My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart. You, God, will not despise. Psalms 51:17

Thank you dear Lord for always being present in my life, in spite of my difficulties and even my times of rebellion.  I give to you my broken spirit and contrite heart as a sacrifice, knowing that you are merciful and will forgive my times of not trusting you fully and my times of unbelief.  I know that you will not ridicule me or despise me for it, as you have promised.  Thank you for your great mercy and love.  Help me to focus on the blessings of this life of forgiveness you grant me freely.  May I praise your name forever.  In Jesus name, Amen.

written by Jan Andersen

Here is a beautiful song about this topic.

Please click on this link...


  1. Isn't it beyond a blessing that we can go to God just as we are, repent, and be received as a forgiven and clean offering.
    God bless...

  2. Yes, your devotional is so true. The fact that the Lord will never reject us is part of the marvel and blessedness of our relationship with Him. David's psalms are a great example of our ability to pour out our hearts to God, knowing that His love for us is unconditional.

  3. Pretty awesome timing to "find" your blog, and hear the cool song from a band I'd never heard of, but really, really like.
    What a way to end the day. Thanks. ~Mona in Vermont

    1. Glad you found our blog and hope you keep coming back!
