
"God Is Always With Us"...Wednesday


I was just pondering on whatever life throws at us, we never have to walk it alone. We have an amazing Daddy who is with us and takes such good care of us.

In my lifetime  I have had many tough situations that I have had to face... in fact, some very scary situations! The one thing I do know for certain, is that God was always with me at every turn. 

He says in His word out of... 
Joshua 1:9
 "Have I not commanded you? 
Be strong and of good courage; 
do not be afraid, or be dismayed, 
for the Lord your God is with you, 
wherever you go." 

What an incredible comfort to know that we can walk in God's strength and courage every day of our life. We never have to be afraid or dismayed, for we have that blessed assurance God is with us wherever we go.

We can wake up each morning with an all knowing peace, that God's hand is upon us.  He will help us to meet each day in great confidence because He will forever be with us!

Here is something to listen to and enjoy the pictures. Please take the words to heart.
That's God, God is always with us.


In His Radical Love, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. Yes God is always beside us. If we listen to him and trust him we need not worry or fear. Thank you Sandy.
    God bless...
