


"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  
I do not give to you as the world gives.  
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." 
John 14:27

     I can honestly say the best description of the world today is the opposite of "peace."  It is the word "troubled."  Troubled means to be unsettled and disturbed and anxious.  This is exhibited in individuals manifested by fear, stress-related illnesses, confusion, and other such problems.  Trouble is exhibited in the world by all the uncertainties of finances, fluctuating government policies, wars, acts of terrorism, and even changing and unpredictable weather events.  Just about everything seems to be working together to keep us distraught, disturbed, and off balance.

  There is only one way to peace in the midst of all these circumstances -- God.
The above verse is my confirmation verse so I am well acquainted with it and know it well.  I have found its' comfort and truth many times in my life when all else has failed me.  God give us peace in the midst of turmoil.  God gives us peace that lasts. God does not give as the world gives.  God gives true peace -- shalom -- well being, certainty, wholeness. "...my peace I give to you..."

Written by 
Carol Steficik

Here is a famous song about peace recorded from a prayer written by St. Francis.
"Make Me a Channel of Thy Peace"


1 comment:

  1. The only place we ca truly find peace is with God. We need not try to understand it but rather to have faith in it.
    God bless...
