
"Thanks Be To God!"...Wednesday


"But thanks be to God, 
which giveth us the Victory 
through our Lord Jesus Christ." 
1 Corinthians 15:57.  

Every time I read that scripture it comforts me and gives me tremendous hope. Christ paid a very hefty price for my life, so I can have salvation. He triumphed over death on that Cross and brought us great Victory. In Him we have all that we need to live a Victorious life as we keep our eyes fixed on Him.

We can walk in Victory every day because our lives are hidden in Him. In Him we can overcome every obstacle, mountain and storm in our life, simply because in Him we are more than overcomers! We've been made Victorious through the blood of Jesus Christ.

That is Good News! 

We can soak in the Goodness of God with grateful hearts for all that He has done for us!  We never have to walk in defeat, for we have a glorious God that has made a perfect way for His people to walk a Victorious life through Him and Him alone!!! 

In His Wonderful Love, 
Sandy Billingham

Here is "I Am Free"
a song for Wednesday morning...

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome. The God of the universe did this for us so that we could have victory. When you really try to reason it out we must fall back on faith because this very fact is hard to wrap your mind around.
    God bless...
