


"Every valley shall be raised up, 
every mountain and hill made low; 
the rough ground shall become level, 

the rugged places a plain." 
-- Isaiah 40:4 --

     Whenever I read some of the texts from Isaiah I immediately think of the great work by Handel -- his music the "Messiah."

     When I think of life I think of all of the ups and downs a person goes through, even on a daily basis.

     So how am I to expect places made lower and more level for me?  How am I to expect a straighter road with less bumps?

     I was walking with a friend one time holding his hand. I tripped on an uneven sidewalk and started to fall forward.  But because he was holding my hand tightly he was able to pull back and pull me up with barely a misstep.

     That is what God wants to do for each of us.  He wants us to walk through life holding tightly onto His hand.  We may have some uneven roads to travel and bumps throughout life, but by holding onto His hand we'll get safely past them without crashing down.  God knows the way before us and wants to prepare it for us.  The very best way to travel is with Him.

Written by
Carol Steficek

Here is a song for Today...You Raise Me Up...

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it a comforting fact that the Lord is always there to lift us up and help us avoid falling.
    God bless...
