


"With him I speak face to face, clearly and not in riddles..." 
Numbers 12:8a

     This passage in Scripture is God's description of how He talked to Moses, just as a friend would -- face to face.  That if quite mind-boggling if you ask me.

     The reason this happened is because Moses knew God.  He spent time with Him and learned to listen to Him.

     Want to know something just as amazing?  God wants to speak to you and me today.  Jesus told His disciples that they were no longer servants, He called them His "friends."

     Do you want to understand the dreams and visions you have for your life?  Do you want direction for your life?  Do you seek guidance and wisdom?  Get to know the One who can reveal what dreams and visions God has planned for your life and how everything can be fulfilled for you.

     Don't give up on your future because you don't know how to accomplish what you want.  Get to know God as your friend.  It is He who can give you beyond what you can possibly imagine.

     Jesus longs to be your intimate friend.  Through faith in Him and grounded in His word, we may not see "face to face" as Moses did but we can truly know.  What a friend we have in Jesus. 

Written by
Carol Steficek
Here is a song for Friday,,,
I am a friend of God sung by Phillips Craig and Dean.

Here is the link...

1 comment:

  1. Love the reminder of all that we know God is the best friend we can ever have, always mindful of us thinks of us and loves us. Awesome!
    God bless...
