
"His Fiery Word"...Wednesday

I am always reminded how powerful the word of God is when I read the passage Jeremiah 23:29...

 "Is not My word like a fire?" 
says the Lord,
"And like a hammer that 
breaks the rock in pieces?"

As we read and delve into His word, it enlightens, warms and deeply penetrates our hearts. His word sheds truths to our heart that will forever change us and draw us closer to Him.

As we are surrendered to Jesus, His word will burn away the chaff and will turn stony hearts to hearts of flesh. He will inflame us with His unfailing love.

Truly His word brings great comfort and warmth continuously as we meditate on His word and allow Him to penetrate our hearts.

His word resounds ever so powerfully and completely in our hearts to the place where we never be the same! 

In His Fiery Love, 
Sandy Billingham
Here is a song for you for today,
It is "Speak Life" sung by TobyMac



  1. It is so exciting that we can add our own blessings to this when we speak life to those we know.
    Creator bless....

  2. This is a beautiful word, Sandy. I am reminded of the passage in The Walk to Emmaus, when the disciples spoke of their encounter with Jesus. They said, "Wasn't it like a fire burning within us when He talked to us on the road and explained the scriptures to us?"
