
How To Live...Monday


 Live in harmony with each other.
 Romans 12:16a

A very short scripture verse with a very strong advice. It could be a tall order for many.

What is harmony? Some other synonyms for “harmony” include...

·         Agreement…
People who are in agreement share an understanding that helps them to get along with each other.

·         Accord…
When you are in accord with others your thoughts and behaviors show a consensus between you that helps you to get along with them.

·         Concord…
When two people share concord they have a friendship that is peaceful.

·         Synchronization…
This implies that two or more people are working and living in tandem.

·         Congruence..
       When people are in congruence they show a similarity of thought and values.

·         Coordination…
Coordinated people are moving in the same direction in their lives and choices.

·         Coherence
Moving with coherence means that behavior and thought has a consistency between a person
and her associates.

Yes this scripture may seem short, but it is powerful and filled with concepts that shine light on the God approved way we should live. The world is sadly lacking in these skills these days. Families are in discord over many things. Adult children are estranged from their parents and siblings. No agreement! Neighbors fight with neighbors over landscaping, parking infringements and noise just to name a few things. No congruence! City residents argue about the way the mayor and city council administer the city. No accord! Citizens of our country disagree and dispute the correct style of government…conservative or liberal. No congruence! Nations fight nations. No commonality or compassion!

But God has instructed us how to live in many stories and lessons we read about in the Bible. And he He has summed it up in the scripture…

Live in harmony with each other.
~ Romans 12:16a, NLT

In AA there is a prayer that is a wonderful prayer where God is asked to help keep the one who prayes it on the straight and narrow and to totally give all issues to Him.

“God, I offer myself to Thee – to build with me and do with me as Thou wilt.
Remove me from the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will.
Take away my difficulties that victory over them may bear witness
to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of life.
May I do Thy will always!”

To pray this prayer will put us in the position to submit to God and to do as He wills. This will be in all things including seeking harmony in all our relations with our fellow human beings.

Heavenly Father...
Thank you for showing the way and teaching me how You want me to live. All I have to do is strive to obey. Thank you for giving me strength when I am weak and for loving me when I fall short. I am privileged to be your daughter. Help me always to surrender to you, to do your will, and to fully rely on You.                                                             Amen.

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

Here is the Monday song...
"I Surrender" sung by Hillsong



  1. Wow, that one little bite gives me a lot to chew on, thanks so much.

  2. Just wanted to thank you for your writing about Live in Harmony. I tried to do the comments, but I didn't know what to put in the profiles, so I just sent my reply this way. You did a great job, and it was just what I needed today. Thanks again.
    A friend sent her comment to me because she had difficulty trying to post it. Thanks Linda
