
Pancake Blessing....Monday

Last Friday morning, as I was walking from the BART station to my office, I had an unusual thought.

“I have to buy pancakes.”  
Just that thought, out of nowhere. 

I had already eaten cereal for breakfast, so I wasn’t hungry. I do like pancakes, and it had been a while since I had them. I was really early for work, so I did have time to eat, again.  But I am supposed to be watching what I eat. Especially things with the word cake in the name. Things that require melting butter and a small pool of syrup, with sausage or bacon on the side, of course. Not exactly a health-fest, but a strong comfort-memory for me. 

Anyway, I reminded myself that I did not need the pancakes, especially today. But, I did have time to eat. I would not have a full breakfast at the nearby Denny’s; there were a couple of fast-food places that I would be walking past.  But I do not need pancakes! 

I continued to walk, crossing the wide street and stopped at the supermarket that is also along the way. I could buy one of those frozen breakfasts.  One of those little microwave meals that were oh so handy years ago when I was a brand new mommy. I started to walk up that aisle, and then stopped myself. I Do Not Need Pancakes!

I paid for my small purchases, sans (without) pancakes, and started walking across the parking lot, which took me past McDonald’s. They have pancakes. I can get some there and eat them  in the break room. They might even give me extra syrup! But I Did NOT Need Pancakes! 

I walked on, taking a shortcut that brought me back to the sidewalk in time to walk past Burger King.  Sigh…  I think they have pancakes. But maybe not. I have had their oatmeal recently, but have no idea what else they had in the morning. 

My feet lead me up the path to the door. Why was I going to Burger King? Maybe they don’t have pancakes. I’ll just go inside and read the breakfast menu, and walk out. Maybe I‘ll get a cup of coffee or some juice, so they don’t think I am weird. 

My eyes skimmed over the menu board.  Yup, they have them. Pancakes. With Sausage.  They also have a platter with eggs, hash browns…  I’m sorry, just got sidetracked for a moment:).

The manager was standing at the register, waiting patiently, while I continued my inner discussion. “I DO NOT NEED PANCAKES!!” My face must have shown some conflict, because he started to look a bit concerned. So, I calmly stepped forward and ordered pancakes and sausage, to go. They were less than $4.00, so my unexpected indulgence was a small one. 

Still feeling a bit bewildered, but starting to smile a bit, I thanked him for my meal and left.   Walking to the corner, I started to think about the nice little meal I was carrying. I could walk this extra food off at lunch time, couldn’t I?

As I walked around the corner, I saw a fellow who seems to live somewhere in the area.  There are often a number of street people around. This fellow appears to be a few years younger than me, and always speaks, even though I seldom give him anything. Then I heard it, loud and clear, “Give him the pancakes!” 

In an instant, I realized that they were never my pancakes in the first place! They were for him all along. But I had to buy them in order to hand them to him instead of giving him cash.

As we made eye contact, I said, “Do you like pancakes?” He said yes, a bit cautiously. He had probably had offers of food, and other things, that came with long, thick strings attached. Strings so thick, they become chains. 

I smiled and held out the bag, “Have these, the Lord told me to buy them, but I do not need them. There is sausage in there, too.”

His eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning and his new bike was sitting under the tree.  “Thank you, thank you so much!” He took the bag gratefully. As I walked away, I turned back to remind him that now he had to bless someone else. I don’t know if he heard me, but I hope he got the message.

I walked on to the office, grinning wildly. My heart racing as tears of joy filled my eyes.  Foolish, flighty little me was an instrument for the Lord’s work!  God was directing me to do the unusual, and I had listened and obeyed (eventually!). I was blessed, because I recognized His voice. I had argued and tried to reason my way out of doing what He said, but now I recognized that He was teaching me and preparing me for whatever will come next. 

The next part of the plan may not be with food, but I pray that I will be ready to respond with a willing heart and eager hands.

"Then the King will say to those on his right,
‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance,
the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 
 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
 I was a stranger and you invited me in,
 I needed clothes and you clothed me,
 I was sick and you looked after me,
 I was in prison and you came to visit me.’” 
 Matthew 25:34-36

Casting Crowns performs:
"If We Are His Body"


 Written by 
Lynda Kinnard – October 2013

1 comment:

  1. You were used of God and you listened to His word. I am thinking of our message today that when we are obedient we will live a blessed life. Enjoy yours and thank you for the example you set and shared with us.
    God bless...
