

Devotional for 11/24/13

We aren't always happy with our circumstances, many of which we have had no control over.  But we do have control over our responses to them.  Sometimes our response is acting out, kicking and screaming.  Other times it may be to turn inward and to run and hide.  And what doe God say our response should be?

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.    1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)
1 Thessalonians 5:16 (42 kb)

I do not believe that means that God has caused us to be in these circumstances, or that his will is that we suffer.  Rather, his will is that we are able to hold on to our faith so that we may "rejoice, pray, and thank" him in SPITE of the circumstances, even in the midst of them. It is not always possible to be happy that we are suffering.  Sometimes the rejoicing can only be in the fact that we know God is still with us and that we will be with him in heaven some day.  Prayer helps us maintain our connection with God.  Turning to God in prayer helps us focus on his mercy and forgiveness, his grace, and allows us to ask him to strengthen our faith and use our experiences to his glory. Thanking him for the blessings that we do have helps us stay positive and strengthens our witness to others.  For it is God's will for us to receive the blessings of salvation in Christ Jesus and to share that with others.

May we forever rejoice, pray and give thanks to God!

Written by Jan Andersen
Here is a song performed by Mercy Me. Hope you find it uplifting.

1 comment:

  1. I think that doing what you are writing about must be something we work on as we try to deal with our circumstances. We must remind ourselves that God is near. He knows what is going on, He will strengthen us and guide us to be more willing to accept the circumstances as something we can deal with because we turn to Him.

    God bless
