
"His Ongoing Peace"...Wednesday

I so treasure and cling to the the ongoing Peace that my Savior Jesus gives me. Even though our lives at times can be hectic, challenging and unpredictable, our Lord's Peace is always there. The winds can be howling and very difficult times can be on the horizon, but Jesus's Peace remains steadfast if we will but trust Him.
God promises us in His Word in Philippians 4:7
"And the Peace of God, which surpasses all understanding 
will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
We can entrust our every care into the hands of Jesus and in place of fretting and anxiety, He gives us His beautiful Peace. It is like a supernatural insulation around our hearts and minds from the works of darkness.
It does surpass all understanding of the human mind, but His Peace is ever so genuinely real. We can experience His Peace every day of our lives as we fully release our every care and concern into the hands of our Lord.
Experience and walk in His beautiful Peace today. It is a great place to be!
In His Beautiful Peace, 
Sandy Billingham

Here is a song to praise God..."Wonderful Peace" sung by the Gaithers




  1. We so often find ourselves running around in circles with worry or unhappiness when all we have to do is whisper, "Jesus' to invite Him into our situation bringing His unsurpassed peace.

    God bless....
