
Waking Up...Friday


I must praise the Lord once again!  I have prayed, cried, begged, and pled to my Father to help me with my morning waking.  He clearly spoke to me a few mornings ago by awakening me with a feeling of restfulness and alertness. Yes, I argued with Him and flirted with staying in bed, but, I didn't let the enemy win.  It was clear that the Lord was speaking to me, to get up, exercise and see what else I could get done.  Perhaps even get to work on time.  Imagine that?  Something I haven’t done in um…longer than I care to admit. 

I put on my walking video, I was going to do my usual three mile walk, but God knew me better and had my finger click on the two mile walk.  Oh, how wise He is…..I was ready to stop at the half mile marker.  My neck and head ached, my legs and arms felt weak.  I know it was the Lord carrying me thru those two miles.  But, oh what a wonderful beginning to my day; I saw the beauty of the early morning, as well as seeing the Lord answer another prayer.

Ephesians 5:13-14

 “But everything exposed by the light becomes visible; 
 for it is light that makes everything visible.  

This is why it is said:

“Wake up, O Sleeper,
Rise from the dead,
And Christ will shine on you.”

When I went to this scripture in my bible, I found that I had already starred, highlighted and written next to it “Christ will shine on me every morning”. Obviously, I had read this in the past and it spoke to me then, however, I went on with my life not being AWAKE to the Lord.  I am going to remember it this time.  What a perfect blessing  and great reminder to me that I not only need to wake up physically, I must wake up spiritually and keep my mind focused on the awesomeness of the Lord as He pilots my life through all the twists and turns, and ups and downs.  Keeping my eyes on the prize makes all the seasons of my life so much better!

Psalm 119:18 

“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”

Written by
Kelly Dobyns

Enjoy this good morning song sung by Mandisa with Toby Mac. 
A great way to start the day :)

Wave away my yesterday
Cause I'm leaving it behind me.
Hello sunshine, come what may.
I feel something new inside me.
I hear the birds singing
Now my alarm's ringing
Get up, get up, hey!

It's a good morning!
Wake up to a brand new day
This morning,
I'm stepping, stepping on my way
Good morning,
You give me strength,
You give me just what I need
And I can feel the hope that's rising in me.
It's a good morning

Slow down, breathe in,
Don't move ahead
I'm just living in this moment
I've got my arms raised, un-phased
Jump out of bed
Gotta get this party going
I went to bed dreaming,
You woke me up singing
Get up, get up, hey!

It's a good morning!
Wake up to a brand new day
This morning,
I'm stepping, stepping on my way
Good morning,
You give me strength,
you give me just what I need
And I can feel the hope that's rising up in me.
It's a good morning

Now I'm smiling, and I'm kissing all my worries goodbye
Got the feeling, if I spread my wings I might even fly
You are my truth, my way
Give me the strength to say
Get up, get up, get up
Cause it's a good morning, hey

Mr. Mac to the mic

[Toby Mac]
Hey, top of the morning to you 'disa
You smoothie, me ice cold pizza
Cafe au lait, latte dah
You do the zumba, but I do not
Give me like half a marathon,
I'll give you the gospel of St. John.
Hits me like a wake-up bomb
Cuz' we both know that His mercy flows,
In the morning.

Wake up to a brand new day
This morning,
I'm stepping, stepping on my way
Good morning,
You give me strength,
you give me just what I need
I can feel the hope that's rising up in me.
It's a good morning
Wake up to a brand new day
This morning,
I'm stepping, stepping on my way
Good morning,
You give me strength you give me just what I need
I can feel the hope that's rising up in me.
It's a good morning

[Toby Mac]
Top of the morning to you 'disa
Hey, top of the morning to you girl
To-to-top of the morning to you 'disa
Morning little Miss Sunshine.
Man, you morning people.
No, I'm serious.


  1. It is often hard to wake up in the moring with the joy we should have regardless of our happiness or lack of happeness. This writing is spot on. Whenever I hear this song (even if it is late at night) my heart sings and I feel like a great morning has started.

    God bless...

  2. Praise the Lord to that!!! I just smile in my heart when hearing this song. :-)

  3. I agree! I love that verse too...was thinking I should memorize it for those mornings when it is difficult to get the kids out of bed...lol!
