
"Wisdom From Above"...Wednesday


I am ever so grateful that we have a God that has the answer to every single need we could ever have. I think of the many times that I haven't a clue what I am to do in certain circumstance . The good news is that my Heavenly Father knows exactly what I am to do in any given situation. That certainly takes the pressure off big time!

His word tells us in James 1:5 

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, 
who gives to all liberally and without reproach, 
and it will be given to him.

Our God desires to pour out His wisdom onto us as we humbly ask Him to. And He is specific in His word that if we ask Him for wisdom, not only will He give us wisdom but He will give it to us liberally and without reproach. God gives to us generously!

I am so relieved to know that my Father is there every minute of the day for me as I call out to Him for heavenly advice.

In His Love, 
Sandy Billingham

Here is a song for you to listen to as you seek wisdom today.


1 comment:

  1. Getting wisdom from God is as close as wind on your face. Just ask Him and you will be blessed.

    God bless...
