


When I think of how we celebrate at Christmastime, there are plenty of things to think about. Of course there is the fact that Jesus is the reason for the season. Thoughts of Him and what he did should be kept at the top of the list of what Christmas is all about. I started off Advent with the plan that everything I did on the secular side to make it mean something on the spiritual side as well. It is not difficult to do this; we just have to keep it in mind. As we write our Christmas and get them ready to mail , as we shop for presents and wrap them, as we entertain people in our homes we can turn those activities into conscious tribute and thanks to the King who came to be the Messiah.

One of the wonderful things about the season are the things we do to be together with family and friends during the Christmas season. God has put us into families and He has also put people into our lives that enrich them and bring us joy. The things we do bring us closer to each other, and, through that we become closer to God. I have a friend who makes an annual trip with her adult children, their spouses and her grandchildren. The time spent together builds traditions that also have Jesus as a part of them.

Last Friday night we had our River Into Words Writers Group. It was an elegant evening with dinner, fellowship, reading our writings and exchanging gifts. Every year we get closer and closer to each other. We are sisters of different mothers that God has made us. Saturday we had our Women’s Ministry Luncheon and that was another time of sisterhood and fellowship.

Tonight there was another party…a pot luck. We ate, played some over the top games and exchanged presents again. On the surface it would seem that this is totally outside the celebration of Advent and Jesus birth. However this is not actually the truth. Christmas brings people closer and they come together with a new goodwill that blesses us all. We become more sensitive to others and acts of kindness abound. All because this little child was born in Bethlehem, people become family to each other.

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

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