
Hope Arrived That Night...Monday


This is a wonderful season to praise God. Everything seems a little sweeter, a little brighter, a little bit warmer as we study it in the light of the Christmas star that appeared on that amazing night so many years ago. By then the miracle had already happened. The angel had already appeared to Mary and then to Joseph. The trip to Bethlehem had been made. The night of the birth in the lowly stable had passed. More angels had appeared to tell the shepherds to go into Bethlehem to worship the divine baby. For a time Bethlehem shone ad then

had gone back to sleep. Most people were unaware of what happened. They still accepted the poverty and violence thinking that nothing could help them. Life was very short on hope during the age when Jesus was born.

It did not seem to change much at first. The shepherds went back to their fields. The angels went back to heaven. Still on one fine day a group of travelers who had been on the road for months, riding camels and carrying gifts headed off to find the baby that had been born. A star appeared in the eastern sky that shed light on the miracle that had happened. The light of the beauty in that spectacular baby began to shine on a world filled with despair.

Did this story change anything? Well the answer is “yes and no.” It is true that there was and is still poverty and violence rampant in the world. However, Jesus was born to die for our salvation. The big change that happened was Hope for people who chose to believe in Him. That kind of hope helps us to have joy when we may not be happy, to know love when we may be living alone, and to have peace in a violent world.

Jesus is the Reason for this season and for all the seasons of our lives. When we celebrate His birth we see more clearly what God was willing to do for His people. If we take the time to slow down and contemplate all that is involved in what we celebrate we will have an ecstasy that we do not always  experience. There is gentleness, generosity, and gratitude in our hearts and behavior. The scripture below becomes more special and meaningful as we navigate through this weary world rejoicing and filled with hope.

 “For God so loved the world,
that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish,
but have eternal life.
John 3:16

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

Here is a song for tonight..."Oh Holy Night." sung by Mercy Md.



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