


"Surely God is my salvation; 
I will trust and not be afraid.  
The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; 
he has become my salvation." 
Isaiah 12:2

     What a wonderful Bible passage!  There are few things we can count on in life.  There are many things today which can cause us to be fearful -- the world situation, the job market, the fluctuating financial situation throughout the whole world.  Then there is what is happening on the personal level -- health concerns, family conflicts, and many other things.

     We certainly cannot trust the promises of the people who govern our country and rule in our courts.  So whom can we trust?  God!

     Believers rest in the mighty arms of God.  He has created us, redeemed us through the blood of His Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit fills us with the wisdom needed to walk in this world.  This truly is something to sing about!  Our salvation is sure.

Written by 
Carol Steficcek

Here is a song by Maranatha Music
          "Rock of my Salvation"


1 comment:

  1. We stand on the Rock of our Salvation and there is no fear. We can trust in Him and lean on Him secure in the knowledge that what He does will lead us home to Him.

    God bless....
