
Getting out of a Rut...Friday


I am really struggling with what to write about this week, feeling a bit of a “Debby Downer” or a “Negative Nancy” this week.  I suppose a lot of it is being back in reality after have a great vacation with one of my sons, having a great weekend celebrating my other son, then I am back to the daily grind of working, adding to that the worries of loved ones being unemployed, hurtful words from someone that I considered to be a very good friend.  Then add the disappointment I have with myself for gaining weight again and not getting back into my exercise routine.  On top of that I now am sick with what apparently seems to be the flu.  Can you say Overwhelmed and Blah?  So throughout this week I have been really having a hard time being positive, motivated or seeing any hope or joy in anything.  Yes, I have been praying, but I feel like I obviously don’t even do that right.

I know in my heart that it is the enemy working on stealing my peacefulness.  I have made it pretty easy for him, by being so negative and doubtful about life.  My priority from this moment on is to continually write a daily gratitude list.  I get so involved in my negative and worrisome thoughts that I allow it to bring me down with everything that happens during my day, from an annoying slow driver irritating me to a comment a person will make that I take to heart as an insult directed at me personally.  So with that being said….I am going to rest during the remainder of this week, as I recuperate from the germies that crept into my system, not torture myself as I am resting with the guilt trips I give myself that I should be up cleaning or that I should be doing something productive.  I will start my day writing down two things that I am grateful for, read my “Jesus Calling” for the day, along with the scriptures.  And spend the rest of the day taking in all the Lord has given me, trusting in what His plans are for me and my loved ones without worry.  I heard the attached song this week as I was struggling, and at a loss for how to even pray.  God does know exactly what I need to hear, read and see, the key is me opening my ears, eyes and heart.

Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly
 as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom
 through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, 
singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.

Written by 
Kelly Dobyns
Please listen to "Pray" sung by Sanctus Real.


  1. Good suggestions of ways to get out of a rut. When you pray or turn your thoughts away you can escape being "Dorothy Downer."

  2. This choir member hears your voice, sister, thanks for sharing and encouraging me in my similar situations. The joy of the Lord is our strength we're told - and you're in tune! Blessings continued from Him Whose Name is above all names!

  3. "His love never ending, His faith is unfailing, redemption is calling us Home! His love never fails! It NEVER gives up! It never runs out on me" I've been singing these words from my lips all week long. Press on sister! He is redeeming even the poopiest week. Love you!
