
I Don't Have to Be Strong Enough....Monday


Laughter, loud whispers, shy smiles, and tilted back chairs fill the room as I greet the group of junior high students each Sunday. They are a fascinating mix of child, teenager, and adult as we tackle a curriculum intended to prepare them to meet the challenges of life with God's wisdom.

One of the side benefits of teaching is learning and re-learning. Some of it's fun, like being able to say the books of the bible in order (with the help of a song). Other times it's reviewing important principles explained at their most basic, and clarified with scriptures.

A recent lesson on 'resisting temptation' included making a list of temptations on the board that applied to our class. The question was "When you are sent to do your home work, what kinds of things are distracting to you?" It was a very easy list to make: playing on cell phone, watching TV, listening to music, socializing, eating junk food, sleeping, etc. Then we made a list of what they "Know they should do." This list was serious: homework was 1st, followed by chores, exercise, eat healthy, go to practice, pray, read bible, practice music, and (after some prompting) obey parents.

Then we came up with a short list of "How to resist temptation": avoid it, think about something else, do something else, memorize scriptures, flee, and pray. We read lots of verses about God making a way for you to flee temptation, that there's always a way out, that temptations may feel strong but they are not stronger than God's Spirit in us. Our final verse follows:

So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit,
and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh.
They are in conflict with each other,
 so that you are not to do what you want.
 Galatians 5:16-17 NIV

This bit of a tongue twister verse had us all saying "Wait, what?" So we defined our terms. The list of temptations equals our flesh. The list of what we know we should do equals the Spirit; and the word contrary can also mean opposite.

So the flesh wants what is opposite from the Spirit, and the Spirit wants what is opposite from the flesh. Therefore, recognizing when something is from the flesh and when something is from the Spirit is essential for our understanding (see Proverbs 4:7). Then we can use that understanding to make wise choices.

Dear Lord, thank You for Your faithfulness to give wisdom to whoever will ask (James 1:5). Thank You for providing all that I need to face and resist the temptations in my life. In Jesus name, amen.

Matthew West performs "Strong Enough"


Written by Mary M. Wilkins

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like it was a good class filled with kids who had great ideas, Mary. It sounds lively and providing good ideas for the many strong weaknesses/temptations that they face. Adults could make lists pertinent to their challenges. For we all are tempted to play rather than to do what is needed.

    God bless...
