
Life is Messy...Monday

The mountain of paperwork, files, and bills on my desk has grown so high, I have to reach behind a lopsided stack to turn on my computer monitor. This compressed chaos is also trying to take over my mind. But I resist the pressure to stop everything else until I have every thing in order. Instead I choose (or rather, force myself) to prioritize, do what I can, and let go of the rest.

To my very neat loving, orderly self it is very hard to accept that "Life is messy and that's okay." But the message really settled in, coming through loud and clear, when my Grandpa died.

My Grammy always fussed at him to take his work boots off, outside on the stoop in the summer, and at the top of the basement stairs during bad weather. I don't think he minded, it was a practical request, and he did it without complaint.

But there was something he wouldn't do. When he undressed for his nightly shower, he placed his work clothes in a pile next to the laundry hamper. After he came out to watch TV, Grammy would go into the bathroom and clean up behind him. Then like clock work, she would come into the living room and ask him why he didn't put his laundry in the hamper? He would answer her calmly, "I put it in a pile." We thought it was funny when Grandpa didn't do what Grammy wanted. She wasn't amused.

I don't know when or how that routine of theirs started, years later when I asked her about it - she smiled sadly and told me how much she missed picking up his laundry.

So when practically grown children leave a trail of evidence that they are home, or my husband's shoes aren't put away, or there's dishes in the sink, and laundry in the washer, I stop and remind myself that if having my loved one's around means things are messy, then I'll take messy.

Dear Lord, I realize I am only talking about mere inconveniences, and that You specialize in dealing with the gut-wrenching, heart-breaking, soul-aching messiness of each of our lives. Thank You.

Click here to listen to Kari Jobe remind us what God does for us when life is messy and we are scared: http://youtu.be/q9Xb8hVimU4

Written by Mary M. Wilkins


  1. I think we all stress out from messiness caused by others or by ourselves. There is a lesson in it if we talk to God about it and let Him show us those lessons.

    God bless,,,

  2. " They" say we have a right and a left sided brain. No wonder we're tired, there's always a tug in both directions - I do the right brain thing and the left demands it's time - at the same time! Lord, I reeeeally need to look at how you handled the pressure - "well, the solution is to get into scripture, daughter, it's a memory jogger" and He smiles as sudden recall comes in like a flood. Thanks for the reminder, what a God!
